Eunice Mary Kennedy Shriver died in 2009 at the age of 88 of a stroke.
Maria Shrivers mother is dead. Her name was Eunice Kennedy Shriver who was born in 1921 and died in 2009 at the age of 88.
Maria Shriver's ather is deadc He was called Robert " Sargent " Shriver who was born in 1915 and died in January 2011 and was 95 years old. He was married to Eunice Kennedy , who was the sister of former U.S President, John F Kennedy. They were married from 1953 ill Eunice's death in 2009.
no, she is still alive
All the Kennedys are not dead yet, Senator Edward Kennedy is still very much alive.
nine out of eleven are still alive
Yes! Ethel Kennedy is alive and definitely kicking. She campaigns for Democratic candidates and continues to be actively involved with the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Center.
they are alive and dead
Yes he is alive
The Dead Alive was created in 2005.
The Dead Are Alive was created in 1972.
A Zombie or a ghost