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Q: In which country would it be impolite for your host to leave food on your plate?
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One prefix would be impolite.

What is the polite prefix?

One prefix would be impolite.

What is opposite of politely?

That would be "impolite" or "rude".

Sentence using uncouth?

"uncouth" means "lacking good manners" The impolite boy was uncouth. uncouth would mean "impolite"

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Garnet typically leaves a colorless streak on a streak plate due to its hardness.

What is the opposite of politics?

That would be "impolite" or "rude".

Why people would want to leave their country?

some people would want to leave their country because of deportation, diseases, religion, lack of jobs, or poor food.

In what country would a suitor leave a basket of gifts on valentines day?

chinatown. its a country. believe it or not. :)

What happens if you rub the mineral across a streak plate but the mineral does not leave a streak?

The lack of a streak would indicate that the mineral is harder than the streak plate, or the color of the streak is the same as the color of the streak plate.

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If the country was winning they would be there if the country was not winning they would leave in other words, they wouldn’t help anymore, the Americans.

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That would be both impolite and illegal, so don't try it.

Was Steve Jobs ugly?

This would be an opinion, and it is considered impolite to characterize another person's appearance.