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in the hippodome, but only in the East. Chariot races in the western portion of the empire and in Rome itself were held in arenas called a "circus". Rime had the Circus Maximus, which was the largest racing arena i the empire.

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Q: In what arena were charoit races held?
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What was the name of the building where roman chariot races where held?

The name of the building or arena where the Roman chariot races were held was the Circus Maximus in Rome and the Hippodrome in Byzantium/Constantinople.

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Contest in ancient Rome were held in the places that suited them. The chariot races were held in the Circus, the gladiatorial contests were held in an arena and the poetry contests were held in a theater.

What is the arena where chariot races were held called?

In Rome it was called the Circus Maximus; on an oval track about the size of a 100 yard football field. In Greece it was the Hippodrome.Chariot races were held in a long narrow stadium known as a "hippodrome" in the Greek world and a "circus" in the Roman world.If you use Google Earth to look at the ruins of Tyre in the Lebanon, or south-east of Haghia Sophia in Istanbul, or by the forum in Rome, you will see the typical shape of a hippodrome (Hippo is the root for horse, ie hippopotamus= water horse)

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The Colosseum was used for some sporting events and various other entertainments and festivals. The Circus Maximus was the arena where the chariot races were held.The Colosseum was used for some sporting events and various other entertainments and festivals. The Circus Maximus was the arena where the chariot races were held.The Colosseum was used for some sporting events and various other entertainments and festivals. The Circus Maximus was the arena where the chariot races were held.The Colosseum was used for some sporting events and various other entertainments and festivals. The Circus Maximus was the arena where the chariot races were held.The Colosseum was used for some sporting events and various other entertainments and festivals. The Circus Maximus was the arena where the chariot races were held.The Colosseum was used for some sporting events and various other entertainments and festivals. The Circus Maximus was the arena where the chariot races were held.The Colosseum was used for some sporting events and various other entertainments and festivals. The Circus Maximus was the arena where the chariot races were held.The Colosseum was used for some sporting events and various other entertainments and festivals. The Circus Maximus was the arena where the chariot races were held.The Colosseum was used for some sporting events and various other entertainments and festivals. The Circus Maximus was the arena where the chariot races were held.

What sports did Romans held in the circus maximus?

Chariot races were held in the Circus Maximus.Chariot races were held in the Circus Maximus.Chariot races were held in the Circus Maximus.Chariot races were held in the Circus Maximus.Chariot races were held in the Circus Maximus.Chariot races were held in the Circus Maximus.Chariot races were held in the Circus Maximus.Chariot races were held in the Circus Maximus.Chariot races were held in the Circus Maximus.

What is a Charoit?

i dont know

What races besides the foot races were held?

There are many different races that are held besides foot races. These races include bike races, swimming races, and competence races.

Where would the chariot race take place?

Chariot races took place in a special arena called a "circus". In the east it was called a hippodrome. Although other ceremonies and events could be held in a circus, they were principally for chariot races.

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