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Historically the winter and summer Olympics both occured in the same year until 1994. In 1994, the Winter Olympics took place and and in 1996 the Summer Olympics took place and now they alternate so that there is an Olympic Games every two years.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

every trhee years

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βˆ™ 16y ago

ever 4 years like ours

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Every 4 years. Like now.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

it takes place every 4 years

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Q: How often was the original Olympics held?
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What places were the Original Olympics held?

They were originally held at Athens

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How often were the Olympics held after the first Olympics?

4 years

When was the original Olympics first held?

776 B.C.E.

How often were the ancient Olympics held how often are the modern Olympics held?

both are/were held every 4 years, or as the ancient Greeks called it, every olympiad

In the ancient Olympics at the Athens how often were the Olympics held?

every year

How often do the Olympics start?

The Olympics are held once every four years.

How often are the ancient Olympics held?

the Olympics were originally held every four years when the Greeks created it , ( just as it is now )

How often are the Olympics held every year?

they are held every 4 years

How often are winter Olympics played?

Every 4 years the winter Olympics are held. In 2010 they were held in Vancouver, Canada. In 2014 they will be held in Sochi, Russia.

Why were the original Olympics held?

A festival in honour of the god Zeus.

How often are they held in ancient Olympics?

They do it every 4 years.