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they train everyday (run up and down the stairs )

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12y ago

Normal people can join the Olympics if they will be allowed by the country they will represent.

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12y ago

support your country either by attending or watching on t.v.

volunteer to be a helper - cleaning and clearing away the rubbish at olympic venues

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run up and down the stairs

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Q: How normal people get involved with Olympics?
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How are normal people in the Olympics?

normal people cant take part in the Olympic Games unless they train extra hard of unless if they are very gifted to get involved in the Olympic games

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It will inspire them to get involved.

How can normal people get involed with Olympics games?

If you are not an Olympic athlete, there are still several ways for you to get involved. From lining the streets to welcome the Olympic Flame to enjoying Festival events across the UK, there are so many ways to participate.Become a Local Leader and plan events.Become a mascot!Get involved in Torch Relay!Educate people about what the Olympics are really about!

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it will get young people involved and get excited

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more than two people

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There was no Olympics in 2007!

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There were many thousands of people involved in the Olympic games. It would be impractical to list them all

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How can normal people get involved in the olympic games

How many countries are involved in the 2008 Olympics?

204 nations entered the 2008 Olympics.

What events is Switzerland in in the winter Olympics?

Switzerland is involved in luge in the Winter Vancouver Olympics.