normally it would depend on how many people are watching the world cup if loads and loads of people were watching it then it would be quite cheep but if only a couple of hundred people or so were watching then quite expensive.
any where between $1mill and $1.5mill depending on length and airing time. while the Super Bowl commercial costs are $2.5mill per 30s increments.
For a 30 second commercial spot you would pay between 2.5 to 2.8 million depending on the time in the Olympics you place it. if you place your commercial on something big like swimming, track, or field, it will cost closer to 2.8 million. If you place it on something small like taekwondo, it will cost you 2.5 million.
A 30 second commercial in Super Bowl XXXV cost $2.1 million.
$1,000,000 for 30 seconds.
It is going to cost us £9900million pounds for the Olympics!!
how much does a commercial axil fan cost
3 Million for 30 secs.
Approx $100,000 per second.
two and a half million for a half minute
it cost atlanta about 1.8 billion dollars to host the summer Olympics