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Q: How much money did Helen Skelton raise for sport relief?
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How much money did Helen skelton raise when going to the north pole for sport relief?

£113,000ish - it was not much!

Why do you do comic relief?

to raise money

What does sports relief do to help?

raise money

What is the main aim for sport relief?

To raise money for charity.

How much money did comic relief raise in 2009?

they raised £82,300,000

Which events raise money for comic relief?

Red nose day

Why did sports relief start?

So they could raise money

How does comic relief help?

they raise money for people and poor people in need

How much money did Islamic relief raise in 2007?

I can officially tell you that Islamic relief raised approx....£300,000,700 in 2007

How much money did sports relief raise 2010?

So far they have raised £23,323,081 and still counting.

How sport relief raise's money?

by getting sponsors and taking part in a sport or joining a running event

Who does comic relief raise money for?

Comic relief raises money for the people in Africa and many other places to stop them from getting illnesses like malaria and to get mosquito nets