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Q: How many women were admited to Harvard when they allowed women to be included?
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Were women allowed at the Olympics?

Women were not allowed to compete personally. Married women were not allowed to attend the games because of a penalty of death, although maidens were allowed to attend.

Why were women not allowed to participate?

women were not allowed to participate in ancient greek

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Were woman allowed in roman theater?

Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.

Were the women allowed to compete in the ancient Olympics?

No, women were not allowed to enter the olympics.

Are women allowed in the Iditarod race?

are women allowed to race in the iditarod race

When were women allowed to go into Bars in Sask?

When were Women allowed in bars in Saskatchewan?

Where women allowed to watch?

when were women first allowed to watch the Olympic games

What people were not included in Athenians democracy?

Women, slaves, and foreigners (metics) were excluded from participating in Athenian democracy. Only free-born adult male citizens were allowed to take part in the political decision-making process.

Who is not included in the The 15th amendment?

Women were not included in the 15th amendment. Back then women did not have as much right as men.

Husband secretly went out with another women asked him who he was with he says with the boys later you confronted him and finally admited he was with a next women and says its innocent nothing going?

Unless You think your husband is loyal you should talk to him and let him know what you feel.