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Q: How many people compete in modern day Olympics?
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Cricket is not in the Olympics

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55 Fins will compete in the 2012 Olympics.

How many people are competing for 2012 Olympics?

An estimated 10,500 athletes will compete at the 2012 London Olympics.

How many people compete in swimming in the Olympics?

12,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 people

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how many different nations are compete in Olympics 200m

What are the same about the ancient and modern Olympics?

Women are now allowed to compete and there is a Marathon and there is winter Olympics and many more sports and no going naked. Ancient Olympic and Modern Olympic has a lots of events.

In 1886 how many countries competed?

The first modern Olympics were held in 1896. Fourteen countries sent representatives to compete in this male only Olympics in Athens.

How many competitors will compete in the 2012 olympics?

200.000 will compete

How many countries take part in modern Olympics?

The number of countries that take part in the modern Olympics will vary from time to time. On average, there are usually about 205 countries with over 300 events to compete in.

How many people from china compete in Olympics?

3.I know my answer is short but it is a simple 3.

How many people are participating in the 2012 Olympics?

over 10,000 athletes will compete in the 302 events