1000 Points In A Week: 1 Bronze Certificate 5 Bronze Certificates: 1 Silver Certificate 4 Silver Certificates: 1 Gold Certificate
you just need 5 bronze and 4 silver to get a gold for more please subscribe to Biker135ful in youtube thank you
The Gold Coins each give you 10 credits on Mathletics.
To print a bronze certificate in Mathletics, first log in to your Mathletics account. Next, navigate to the section where the certificates are stored and locate the bronze certificate. Then, click on the certificate to open it and look for a print option within the document viewer to print it.
213 gold and 70 bronze
To get 5 bronze certificates in Mathletics, you need to complete the required activities on the Mathletics platform. This may involve practicing various math skills, earning points by answering questions correctly, and achieving targets set by your teacher or the Mathletics program. Keep practicing and completing tasks to earn your certificates.
you have to do the tests
45 gold 39 silver and 10 bronze
You get gold bars in Mathletics by playing the PRACTISE quizzes and getting hundred percent in them. each hundred percent = 1 gold bar. In total you need 72
(9,15,13) (Gold, Silver, Bronze)
THE ANSWER IS 5 MEDALS. 2 GOLD AND 3 BRONZE WON BY: GOLD : Libby Trickett GOLD : Stephanie Rice BRONZE : The mens Relay team BRONZE : The womens relay team BRONZE : Jessicah Schipper
She won 5 golds and 1 bronze.