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Q: How is the metal used in an anode different from the metal used in cathode?
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What parts of a battery are used by two different types of metals?

The anode and the cathode are the metal components that are in contact with the electrolyte in a battery.

How is the metal used in an anode different from the metal used in a cathode?

Anode is positive and cathode is negative. Cathode is the longest led frame. Anode is where the oxidation reaction takes place while cathode is where the reduction reaction takes place or in a galvanic corrosion the anode is the metal that corrodes while the cathode is protected.

What metal is present at both cathode and the anode in a car battery?

Lead is the metal present at both the cathode and anode in a car battery, as it is used in both the positive and negative plates of lead-acid batteries.

What is the difference between electrolytic reduction and electrolytic refining under these heads a. electrodes b. electrolytes c. reaction at positive and negative electrodes?

a. Electrolytic reduction involves the reduction of a compound at the cathode, while electrolytic refining involves the purification of a metal at the anode. b. In electrolytic reduction, the electrolyte is a compound that needs to be reduced, while in electrolytic refining, the electrolyte is typically a solution of the metal being purified. c. In electrolytic reduction, reduction occurs at the cathode while oxidation occurs at the anode. In electrolytic refining, impurities are oxidized at the anode and removed, while the pure metal is deposited at the cathode.

What will be happen if you are using the same metal as anode and cathode?

If the same metal is used as both the anode and cathode in an electrochemical cell, no redox reaction will occur and no electrons will flow between the electrodes. This would result in no electricity being generated or no chemical reaction taking place within the cell.

Which anode in electrolysis?

The anode in electrolysis is the positive electrode where oxidation occurs. This means that electrons are released from the anode, causing ions to be attracted towards the cathode for reduction.

IS carbon rod a cathode or anode?

A carbon rod can serve as either a cathode or an anode depending on the setup of the electrochemical cell. In general, carbon rods are often used as anodes in various electrolytic processes due to their stability and resistance to corrosion.

How is electrolysis used to purify metals?


What is role of graphite rod in electrometallurgy of Al?

The graphite rod acts as the cathode in the electrolysis process for producing aluminum through electrometallurgy. When a current is passed through the molten aluminum oxide, aluminum is reduced at the cathode (graphite rod) while oxygen is released at the anode. This allows for the extraction of pure aluminum metal from its ore.

What invention in the 1940 was first used in a car using 2 pieces of metal and is rechageable and is now smaller?

the invention was a tri-ode diode which is an electronic gas filled tube with an anode and a cathode and one more switching element. The anode is actually the negative plate and the cathode is the positive side. The third element is a switch for on and off.

Is the electrode the metal or graphite rod in an electric cell?

In an electric cell, the electrode can be either a metal or graphite rod. The electrode is the conductor through which electric current enters or leaves the cell during the chemical reaction. Both metal and graphite electrodes are commonly used in various types of electric cells.

How is the formation of anode and cathode rays?

Goldstein used a gas discharge tube which had a perforated cathode. When a high electrical potential of several thousand volts is applied between the cathode and anode, faint luminous "rays" are seen extending from the holes in the back of the cathode. These rays are beams of particles moving in a direction opposite to the "cathode rays," which are streams of electronswhich move toward the anode. Goldstein called these positive rays Kanalstrahlen, "channel rays" or "canal rays", because they were produced by the holes or channels in the cathode