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They do a bid and whichever city (and in some cases resorts) has the "best" place to host the Olympics. The winner of the Bid gets to hos the Olympics.

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Q: How does the IOC decide what country hosts the Olympics?
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What European country a member of the IOC has never competed in the Olympics?

No country is a part of the IOC that does not compete in the Olympics.

Why isn't Kosovo competing in the 2012 Olympics?

The IOC dosen't recognize it as a independent country

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the olympics are owned by the mexican gov't

How do they decide who hosts the Olympic games?

Cities bid to host the Olympics. It is basically a two step process. The city must have proper accomodations, security, transportation ect. It gets approved by the IOC (international olympic committee) executive board and they are considered canidates. In the second part, an evaluation committee goes to the city and wirtes a report. The IOC votes on choosing the site for the specified olympics.

What is Jacques Rogge's role in the IOC?

The Head Of The International Olympics Comittee (IOC)

Who selects each country's team of athletes for the Olympics?

the comitee of each countries ioc leader

Who chooses the venue for the Olympics?

the ioc

How are people picked for the ioc?

The IOC makes a selection during a presentation a week before the olympics.

Which is the only country that does not go to the Olympics?

There was one country disqualified to participate in the 2008 Games and that was Brunei Darussalam for not registering their athletes with the IOC time frame.

Who decides where the Olympics is?

the IOC ( international olympic committe )

Why isn't baseball in the Olympics?

because the IOC are morons

When will the IOC decide what city will host the 2016 Olympics?

On October 2, 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The cities in contention are Chicago, Madrid, Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo.