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This is from my experience

White Mage: Win flower cup 4 times

Black Mage: Win star cup 4 times

Slime: Play 28 games

Moogle: Win Mushroom cup

Cactuar: Play 60 games

Ninja: Complete star road once

For Alt costumes choose them 20 times (more for Yoshi, Toad and Slime)

To complete the star road complete star cup onceto unlock new routes then go back on the same star cup and then win the 1st game then you should get the choice to take a different route then once you start you have to win ALL the matches if you lose just b4 the match ends press the reset button

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13y ago
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12y ago

moogle: beat mushroom cup once.

ninja: in the star cup get on the ship on the left or right side and beat one of the star/rainbow roads and you'll unlock him for evry sport. but it's hard.

black mage: beat the star cup four times.

withe mage: you can meet her to the left in the mushroom cup.

slime: play 28 games.

cactuar: play 60 games or meet him in the star cup but that's hard!

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13y ago

You beat the mushroom cup 1 time. You do it again but go on a secret path. Then beat missions.

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13y ago
  1. play 60 games or beat him in the star cup tournament
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12y ago

go on to YouTube and type in how to unlock all the players in Mario sports mix trust me it will work I've been on it!

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12y ago

Play 28 games of a sport and you can play slime(In the same sport)

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13y ago

defeat the star road on the star cup

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13y ago

Win the mushroom cup 2 on 2 I done it

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13y ago

play 20 games with slime

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