If you're asking how to enable Achievements:
Administrators can go to Special:WikiFeatures and click the on switch next to achievements.
If you're asking how to add new badges:
Administrators can go to Special:AchievementsCustomize and add achievements for editing pages in a particular category.
wikia is a website which allows you to make wikis for free, contribute to wikis, read wiki pages and more
By clicking the signup on the website.
Wikia's population is 127.
Wikia was created in 2004.
You don't have to be an adult to have a wikia... But you have to take your wikia site seriously.
Wikia is owned and operated by Wikia, Inc. So, since they're both Wikia, I guess you could say that.
No you can make a wiki or account for free
Jonathan w. stokes is the founder of wikia
Wikia Search ended in 2009.
Wikia Answers is run by a website called Wikia. Although it's confusing, WikiAnswers and Wikia Answers have nothing to do with each-other.
Wikia Search has been closed as of May 14, 2009.