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Figrue skating is a sport that uses practically all of the bodies muscles. Of course, all of the leg muscles are used the most because of all the jumps and spins. The arm muscles are used frequently due to having to hold them up and all of the falling which a skater will put their arm out to catch themselves. Falling alone can contribute to muscular arms. The abdominals are also used in figure skating because of the spins and jumps where having a strong trunk is a necessity to be a good skater. Hope this helps!

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16y ago
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14y ago

I've been a competitive skater for ten years and the most important thing you need to do to stay in for skating is stamina. You need so much endurance for programs. Breathing through skating is so important !

Go for runs- Sprint for 2 minutes, walk for 1 minute, jog for 3 minutes- repeat.

Cardio everyday !

Strength is the second most important thing. Weight work, squats (for jumping), vertical jumping.

And lastly, you need so much balance. Close your eyes and stand on one leg. The goal is to not put the other foot down. Then switch to the other leg !

Hope this helps ! Good luck.

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13y ago

Doing the splits is always good, practicing your arabesque/ spiral can also help. It's really good to work on core strength and balance too. Plus warm up jumps off the ice before you actually start attempting them.

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16y ago

Maybe do some lunges and splits a few butterflys and y positions. Also back bends and Ballet positions like attitudes.

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12y ago

bicep (upper arms), leg muscles,but muscles, and stomach muscles

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14y ago

Of course! There are crossovers, three-turns, spirals, bunny-hops, shoot-the-ducks, lunges... Just to name a few.

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What are 4 events in figure skating?

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Is figure skating in gymnasium?

uhhh no. figure skating is in an ice arena...

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The sport figure skating was first played in 1772. A Treatise on Skating (1772) by Englishman Robert Jones, is the first known account of figure skating.

Where do people figure skating?

People usually learn and do figure skating at an arena

When was US Figure Skating created?

U.S. Figure Skating was created in 1921.

What year was figure skating created?

Forms of figure skating date back to prehistoric times. Figure skating competitions began in the 9th century.

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Figure Skating is the most popular winter sport to have axels.

When was figure skating first played?

Figure skating started around 3000 BC. Figure skating competitions were first played in Europe in 1891. World figure skating started in 1896.