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Q: How do modern citizens take part in the administration?
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Democracy : type of government ordinary citizens take part in.

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Democracy : type of government ordinary citizens take part in.

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How do citizens influence the government in a democracy?

Through their elected representatives they take part in law-making.

Are repair and maintenance costs an administrative expense?

Yes repair and maintenance expenses are part o administration expensive because administration is responsible for take care of and maintenance of all assets in business and administration department has the authority over these repairs and maintenance expenses that's why it is part of Admin expenses.

Is a business administration class a good class?

Yes, you should definitely take business administration to be a business man. It will provide you with the knowledge and technical skills that are useful in the modern world in order to be a successful business man.

How many countries take part in modern Olympics?

The number of countries that take part in the modern Olympics will vary from time to time. On average, there are usually about 205 countries with over 300 events to compete in.

How can citizens take part in their government and can they help the US grow has a country?

Go protest. That ALWAYS works.

What is a system of government in which a large number of citizens take part in the day to day affairs?

direct democracy