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Im not really sure what you mean but horses are measured in hands (hh) which are 4 inches. So if a horse in 15.2 then it will be 62 inches, this is measured from its withers (bottom of the neck) the cut-off for a pony is 14.2hh, hope this helped :)

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The Olympic was very big,it weighed 46,000 tons 52 tons less than its sister ship:The Titanic

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The reining horses are probably between 15 and 16 hands. The eventing horses are much bigger. It is not uncommon for eventing horses to be 17 hands and over.

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A normal racing track is a mile.

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Q: How big are the horses at the Olympics?
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Which horses from England are going to the 2012 Olympics?

Tripple X III Big Star

Where can I watch horses on TV if I do not have sky?

any of the big events such as badminton and burley are always on bbc, the olympics probably will be too

How many Irish-Bred horses in 2008 Olympics?

23 according to the website the chronicle of horses 2008 Olympics

How do the Horses travel to the Olympics?

most horses probably travel in style to the olympics: in airplanes made for them, or in horse trailers

How did they train the horses in Olympia?

The same way you do when the horses are not in the olympics.

How many Irish bred horses competed in the Beijing Olympics?

23 look up the website the chronicle of horses 2008 Olympics

Can horses compete in the Olympics?

yes, horses and their riders compete in the Equestrian Events.

Are horses the only animal used in the Olympics?


What do horses do at Olympics?

summer olympics: hunter, jumper, dressage and eventing(all three)

Why do clydsdale horses have such big feet?

they are very big horses

What breeds of horses go to the Olympics?

any breed

How did horses get to the Olympics?

the horses got into the Olympics because its kinda a type of sport so they put them in there also the rest of the sports were in there swimming and foot ball boxing so riding horses takes skill and time too ride