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Q: Do the Indian women allowed to work?
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Why were women not allowed to work in factorys?

they were allowed to work in factories since men were at war

Are Indian women allowed to marry black men?

Watch Mississippi Masala.

Are Indian medical doctor as general surgeon allowed to work in Korea?

Yes and Indian medical doctor would be allowed to work in Korea. They would have to get the required work permits and be given practicing privileges at the hospital or doctors office.

Are women allowed to work in japan?

Yes, but the number of professions that are open for women are limited.

What jobs did Indian men women and children have?

women had to collect food children had to plant and men had to work

Why weren't Victorian mothers allowed to work?

Victorian women did not have the right to work or vote. They were expected to stay home with the children. Men did not think women were able to work.

What were women in the civil war allowed to do?

If working in war, they were allowed to sew uniforms and work as a nurse. If working at home, they would care for there children and work for the family.

Why were women not allowed to vote in Australia?

They Didi not work hard and the voting may be bias

What changes allowed women to enter the work force inthe 1920?

World War I was the largest change that allowed women to enter the work force in the 1920s. Men were drafted into the war, which left vacancies at factory jobs, which had typically not been available to women before then.

You are a Indian citizen married with hungrian women can you work in UK?

there are many Indian groups that i know of that live in the UK but it depends the thing is i thought that idians would only persuade their families to marry an Indian women. unless your religion lies elsewhere

Are women allowed on submarines?

It depends on the real question. If meant literally, then yes, women are allowed on submarines. They can visit some submarines. If the question is, "Are women allowed to serve/work on submarines?" then it depends on the country. In the Royal Navy (UK) they are not allowed to serve at present. The United States, however, is gearing up to allow some women officers to serve aboard U.S. Navy nuclear submarines.

Why were women not allowed to participate?

women were not allowed to participate in ancient greek