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Q: Did the ancient Olympics happen during wars?
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What about the wars in ancient Olympics?

They paused.

Did the ancient Olympics have wars?

The Olympic Games caused a pause in wars.

When the olympic games started did war happen in ancient Greece?

All wars were paused during the olympic games in ancient Greece.

Why is the reson why the Olympics not happen in 1916 1940 1944?

Two world wars basically

What happened in World War 1 Olympics?

The Olympic games were cancelled during the wars

Why did the wars stop during the Olympics?

Wars were stopped during the Olympics because the Greeks wanted to honor Zeus(the Greek god of gods) with peace.

During the Olympics these were put aside?

Normally wars are put to rest. The Olympics is how the country's team up and join together as one for peace.

The Olympics have been every four years since 1896 except during?

Both World Wars.

Who started the Olympics game?

The Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the modern Olympics in Athens in 1896 to reunite the world through sports.

How did china loose Vietnam?

Ancient(?) China lost it during a series of little wars.

Which three Olympics were cancelled cause of the wars and what wars were they?


Did the Olympics once not happen?

The Olympic Games are held only every fourth year. at all other times the do not "happen". World Wars led to the cancellation of the 1916, 1940, and 1944 Games.