Dawn Fraser?
Dawn Fraser was an Australian swimmer she competed in games up to the Tokyo Olympics in 1964 when she was accused of stealing a flag and received a lifetime ban from the sport
At dawn.
She received a 10 year ban from the Australian Swimming Union for alleged misbehavior at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. Her alleged offenses included marching in the 1964 Games opening ceremonies against team wishes and stealing the Olympic flag from the Japanese Emperor's palace. Information found on www.olympic.org states that she did indeed steal the flag from the palace and was subsequently arrested. The ban was lifted after four years but by then she had retired.
Flags are supposed to be lowered at night. You generally raise the flag at colours (0800) and lower them at sunset. If 0800 is before dawn, you raise the flag at 0800, lower it immediately, then raise the flag again at dawn.
From Dawn to Dusk
The U.S. flag should be flown from dawn to dusk. If flown at night, it is to be illuminated.
Penguins don't live in the Arctic.
No Ethiopia did not have star in the flag. In the emperor era there was the lion of Judah in the flag. The star came into existence with the rise of EPRDF(the current ruling party of Ethiopia)
well to be honest i really dont know what the color of the flag means but it is really pretty.
It doesn't really have one, it is simply called "Sveriges Flagga" meaning Sweden's Flag or the Flag of Sweden.