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Q: Can a player leave the course during a medal competition?
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Will we have to leave our home during the course of treatment for termites and, if so, for how long?

Many people choose to leave their homes during the termite treatment because of the smell, but it is not necessary. With the current generation of treatment methods, there is no reason to leave your house during the treatment.

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NoOf course - Germany is Germany, they didn't leave it.

Is it true that if you are playing soccer and the referee gives you a yellow card you must leave the field immediately?

Under the FIFA Laws of the Game it is not true that a cautioned player must leave. The rules of competition may stipulate that they must. NFHS (US High School) rules do require that a cautioned player leave the field. A substitution is allowed in this circumstance.

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okay, usually the portable DVD player the Working Temperature: -20 ℃ - +80 ℃ I think you should not be in the Arctic / Antarctic

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Of course they will. When a new player comes to play there will be more foil. You don't have to leave any for the next person.

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Of course not.

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If players leave the sideline during a fight on the field are they automatically suspended?

In high school, the ruling is that any player that leaves the bench to participate in a fight, whether it is to help or harm, the player is to be ejected.

Were Jews given money to leave Germany?

No, of course not. On the contrary, they had to pay for permission to leave the country.