Austin long is gay....
You really can't tell if you're going to have a bad winter by how high a squirrels nest is in the tree. This is just a myth.
If it will not go out of winter mode, usually that means the transmission is going bad. Also try pushing the Economy button.
Since I live in Arkansas, I will say that we really can't tell how the winter will be. I could be dry and cold, or there could be another ice storm for all we know. All I can say for sure is that it's going to be cold, but I can't tell you how bad it will be.
According to the Farmer's Almanac, if a caterpillar is wooly and all white with a black stripe down the middle, it could be a bad winter. A plain white wooly caterpillar means a very bad winter.
because of the mild winter were as bad as the dry summer it was bad weather
So far, the winter of 2014 was pretty bad, with a big water crisis combined with a winter storm afterwards.
No, the color of a caterpillar does not indicate the severity of the winter. It is a myth with no scientific basis. Winter weather patterns are determined by complex meteorological factors, not the appearance of caterpillars.
No !!!!!!!!!!!!Bad winnter for us is not a lot of snow