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hang cleans are harder, less of a movement so less momentum going into the explosive lift.

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Q: Are hang cleans or power cleans harder?
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What is a good alternative exercise for hang cleans?

A good alternative exercise for hang cleans is the dumbbell clean and press.

What is an alternative exercise to the hang clean for building strength and power?

An alternative exercise to the hang clean for building strength and power is the power clean.

What is a good alternative exercise for the hang power clean?

A good alternative exercise for the hang power clean is the kettlebell swing.

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Some effective volleyball lifts for improving strength and power on the court include squats, deadlifts, lunges, and power cleans. These exercises target key muscle groups used in volleyball, such as the legs, core, and upper body, helping players jump higher, hit harder, and move faster on the court.

Hey you are going to be a fresman next year in HS and im tring to be a fullback in football and well im 150lbs and 5 8 what should you do like what work outs traingin and all that stuff?

150lbs. is very light for a FB, your gonna need to pack on some weight. But make it good weight as in muscle mass! For the power your gonna need in your legs and core do the following exercises: Squats Dead Lifts Lunges Hang Cleans Power Cleans For blocking and fending off defenders: Bench Press Shoulder Press

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What is a good alternative exercise for the hang clean?

A good alternative exercise for the hang clean is the power clean, which also works multiple muscle groups and improves explosive power.

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The preposition for "He cleans the room" would be "in." So it would be "He cleans in the room."

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Both can be very fun. Skateboarding might be a little harder for beginners, but it's awesome when you get the hang of it.

How can I improve my technique for dumbbell cleans to maximize my strength and power gains?

To improve your technique for dumbbell cleans and maximize strength and power gains, focus on proper form, explosive movements, and consistent practice. Ensure you are using the correct weight, engaging your core, and using your legs to generate power. Seek guidance from a fitness professional for personalized tips and feedback.