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Q: According to DoDI 6490.11 deployed leaders are required to recognized potentially concussive events. What are mandatory events that require a service member to be evaluated and reported?
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According to dodi 6490.11 deployed leaders are required to recognize potentially concussive events. which of the following are mandatory events that require a dervice member to be evaluated and report?

All of these circumstances require evaluation and reporting.

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They typically must be evaluated by an official evaluation agency within the United States.

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Yes, and they should so that they may be evaluated for tactical importance. Additionally, all POWs should be searched and anything potentially dangerous removed.

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This term refers to a decrease in a blood supply to the heart, this can be caused by athrosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries that supply the heart with blood. It is potentially fatal and should be evaluated by a cardiologist.

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Cultural relativism

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What is the term for the beilef that actions should should be evaluated according to the cultural context of the person taking them?

Cultural relativism

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The severity of a breast cancer is evaluated according to a complex system called staging.

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1-6 evaluated = -5

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They are evaluated exactly the way that all nurses are evaluated. They are given periodic evaluations to tell the individual their progress.

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Every culture should be sociologically evaluated according to its own standards and values, as these vary greatly between cultures. It is important for sociologists to understand and respect the unique norms, beliefs, and practices of a culture in order to accurately assess its social dynamics and institutions without imposing external judgment or bias.

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Market segments are evaluated as to their attractiveness or potential for generating revenue for the firm