How much is a sports illustrated michael jordan holographic picture worth?
The value of a Sports Illustrated hologram magazine featuring Michael Jordan can vary depending on its condition, rarity, and demand among collectors. It could be worth anywhere from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars. It's best to consult with a Sports Memorabilia expert or check online auction sites for current market prices.
Sports Illustrated
Michael Jordan holds the record for appearing on the cover of Sports Illustrated the most times, with a total of 50 appearances.
Wayne Gretzky has been on the cover of Sports Illustrated the most times among hockey players, appearing 11 times. His success and popularity during his career earned him frequent cover appearances on the iconic sports magazine.
The value of a Sports Illustrated issue featuring Michael Jordan and Sam Perkins on the cover from 1983 can vary. In general, prices can range from $20 to over $100, depending on the condition of the magazine and demand among collectors. It's best to search online marketplaces or consult with collectors to get a more accurate estimate.
$2500-$5000 depends on condition.
About $2
Don't know but I bought one for about $400
1990 beckett basketball magzine jordan in front
About $90.00
Around 90 $. In store 2012.
you can get your own shoes, your own billboard (a couple), a letter from Jordan to show he's interested in you, and you get to be on the cover of a magazine called Sports Illustrated