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vince got into the car if u can notice his foot goes in then from another angle his foot is out of the car so they quickly change the angle. then he went out trough the other door, if i am wrong r.i.p vince i love John Cena love ms sindoni Hopefully he is alive, I just believe it was a stunt gone wrong and he is dead. he got in the car the tape was edited as you see his foot go back in the other door opens and as he closes that door he gets out of the other It's fake. The sequence of the cars explosion was taped the day before and supervised by Zenith Pyrotechnology, which is a pyrotechnics company located in Deer Park, NY. Nobody was in the limo. Basically to give realism to it for the fans attending, they were given an "explosion" sound synced with the video that they fed to the fans.To them, it seemed that the explosion really took place and they watched it live. To the TV viewer, crafty video editing made it look all the more real on "live" TV. Now think about it for a second, if this really happened, 1) it would be all over the real news (MSNBC, ABCNEWS.COM, CBSNEWS.COM, etc) and not on ham and egger wresteling websites (God I love to quote Bobby "The Brain" Heenan!) 2) Vince would not have been the only fatality that night (exhaust smoke, clearly visible from the limo, indicated that a driver was also aboard and would have been killed as well) and 3) McMahon would have been escorted to the limo, and not walking alone in a darkened parking lot. Another thing to note is McMahons exit. He looks like he is suspisious of everyone (Including the stagehands that he turns to just before he enters the limo) and his hesitation to open the limos door. He is setting up a "who dunnit" story line. Bad acting on his part, as it was quite obvious. Now, if McMahon were smart, he would have used a hand held cam to video the explosion, and have the cameraman "react" to it by running towards the burning car, instead of using an obviously stationary tripod mounted camera, and add more people to the scenario instead of a couple of stagehands sitting idly by. The bottom line is, it's just another story line that the WWE is working with. Vice McMahon is alive and well. they didn't it was a plan gone wrong. he is dead WWE are fukheads to do this.. what was the point.. no body beieves it anyway!!! i herd this somewhere.. The exploding limo footage was taped over Saturday and Sunday late at night with a team of professional stunts from Zenith Pyrotechnology heading up the operation. Andy Kratz who was involved with the stunt said that permits to pull the stunt were acquired a week ago which made for great timing considering The Sopranos ended on Sunday with what many people consider an unsatisfying finale. Some video editing magic helped WWE combine the taped footage from Saturday, Sunday and the live feed into one jaw-dropping shot. Looking closely at the video of the explosion you will notice that while Vince is walking towards the limo, there is no water next to the car on the floor while once the shot was cut from a different angle you can notice water on the floor. Once the angle was switched, it was cut to the pre-taped segment, having one take with McMahon coming in and closing the door and one take from the exact angle the limo exploding.
Here's how I see it; if I'm wrong I'm sorry, but I don't think that I am. As you see Vince enter the limo, both feet enter the limo. For a brief second one of his feet exit the limo (a fake leg) and re-enters the limo. Vince crawls out the other door and with a pull string Vince (or anyone else for that matter) pulls the string connected to the other door and shuts it. When the door is shut (BAM) Vince is dead...NOT!!

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6mo ago

In 2007, WWE staged a storyline where a limousine was meant to explode with Vince McMahon inside, depicting his character's death. However, due to the tragic incident involving Chris Benoit around the same time, the storyline was abruptly dropped and McMahon appeared on the following week's episode to address the situation and reassure fans of his well-being.

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