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the second one because the little friction turns to thermal energy while the first one... no energy transformations are occuring. except potential energy

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 1w ago

The Bowling ball resting on the hot driveway will have more thermal energy due to absorbing heat from the hot surface for 4 hours. When the bowling ball rolls down the lane in the air-conditioned bowling alley, it will lose some of that thermal energy as it moves and interacts with the cooler indoor environment.

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Q: Which has more thermal energy a 5kg bowling ball that has been resting n a hot driveway for 4 hours on a 35 Celsius day or the same bowling ball rolling down a lane in air conditioned bowling alley?
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Which has more thermal energy a 5kg bowling ball that has been resting for 4 hours on a driveway or the same bowling ball rolling down an alley in an air-conditioned bowling alley?

the second one because the little friction turns to thermal energy while the first one... no energy transformations are occuring. except potential energy

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