the thai government has not even spent a quarter of the money given by other countries. any money that has been spent has mostly been spent helping the rich
The money raised from donations after the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami was primarily spent on emergency relief efforts such as providing food, clean water, shelter, and medical assistance for the affected communities. Additionally, funds were used for long-term reconstruction and rehabilitation projects to rebuild infrastructure, schools, and healthcare facilities in the affected regions.
The 2004 tsunami is commonly known as the Indian Ocean tsunami, or the Boxing Day tsunami, as it occurred on December 26.
It is estimated that around 150 British citizens died in the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004.
Madagascar is approximately 5,500 kilometers (3,400 miles) away from the epicenter of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami.
The tsunami that hit Thailand on December 26, 2004 is known as the Indian Ocean tsunami or the Boxing Day tsunami.
The 2004 tsunami is commonly known as the Indian Ocean tsunami, or the Boxing Day tsunami, as it occurred on December 26.
The Boxing Day Tsunami occurred on December 26, 2004. This was one of the most detrimental tsunami's to hit Indonesia on record.
No, it´s the opposite. boxing day tsunami was one of the biggest tsunamis in history
yes it is watch it on youtube its called: 2004 boxing day tsunami
I would venture a guess at 26 December 2004
3 times more than the amount for Haiti :) hope this was helpful
It is estimated that around 150 British citizens died in the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004.
150,000 people died in the tsunami
December 26 2004.
Madagascar is approximately 5,500 kilometers (3,400 miles) away from the epicenter of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami.
The tsunami that hit Thailand on December 26, 2004 is known as the Indian Ocean tsunami or the Boxing Day tsunami.