1 PM HST. 5 hours difference between East Coast & HST right now.
6 PM PST is 9 PM EST. This is because there is a 3-hour time difference between Pacific Time and Eastern Time.
12 pm EST is 6 pm CET. Central European Time (CET) is 6 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST).
At 6 PM InST, it's 7:30 AM EST.
It would be 9:30pm EST time. The time difference between PST and EST is three hours.
The time zone that is 7 hours ahead of Central Standard Time is the Japan Standard Time (JST) zone.
6 PM PST is 9 PM EST. This is because there is a 3-hour time difference between Pacific Time and Eastern Time.
12 pm EST is 6 pm CET. Central European Time (CET) is 6 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST).
6 pm
6 pm
In chronological order... Virginia: 6:10 PM EST Kentucky: 6:31 PM EST Indiana & Tennessee: 6:35 PM EST / 5:35 PM CST California: 6:01 PM PST
I think the game starts at 6 pm EST.
At 6 PM InST, it's 7:30 AM EST.
It would be 9:30pm EST time. The time difference between PST and EST is three hours.
The time zone that is 7 hours ahead of Central Standard Time is the Japan Standard Time (JST) zone.
At 4 PM EST (UTC-5), the time in Guam is 7 AM ChST (UTC+10).
If it's 6:30 pm EST, it would be 5:30 pm CST in Texas. Texas is in the Central Time Zone, which is one hour behind Eastern Time.
10 AM EST is 4 PM Central European Time (CET). There is a 6-hour time difference between Eastern Standard Time (EST) and Central European Time (CET).