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Partial pressure of oxygen of 1.6 will cause toxicity. If using standard air (roughly 20% O2) this equates to a pressure of 8 bar which is present at 70m.

In terms of the percentage of O2 which causes toxicity, it depends on the depth but a partial pressure of 1.6 bar is the toxicity threshold

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4mo ago

Oxygen toxicity typically occurs when breathing pure oxygen at elevated pressures for an extended period, usually above 50% oxygen concentration. The threshold for toxicity can vary among individuals and depending on the specific conditions, but it is generally considered a concern when breathing high levels of oxygen for an extended time.

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Abnormally slow breathing is a symptom of oxygen toxicity

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Oxygen itself is not toxic, as it is essential for life. However, breathing in pure oxygen at high concentrations for extended periods can be harmful and lead to oxygen toxicity, causing lung damage and other health issues.

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The signs and symptoms for oxygen toxicity include changes in vision, nausea, twitching, and dizziness. More serious symptoms can include seizures and possible death.

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Pure oxygen can be harmful when inhaled at high concentrations because it can lead to oxygen toxicity. Oxygen toxicity can cause lung damage, seizures, and other serious health problems. It is important to use oxygen as directed by a healthcare professional to avoid these potential risks.

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Oxygen toxicity can cause seizures and spasms. That implies to me that flickering eyes may be a symptom of O2 toxicity, but not a common or likely one. While possible, I'd personally look elsewhere for the cause.

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