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In 2011, France begins Daylight Saving Time on March 27 - set your clock(s) forwardone hour at 1:00 AM. It ends on October 30 - set your clock(s) back one hour at 2:00 AM.

In most counties in Europe, including France, Daylight Saving Time begins on the last Sunday of March and ends on the last Sunday in October. The clocks move forward one hour in March and back one hour in October.

Future years:

2012: Sunday, March 25, and ends Sunday, October 28, 2012

2013: Sunday, March 31, and ends Sunday, October 27, 2013

2014: Sunday, March 30, and ends Sunday, October 30, 2014

2015: Sunday, March 29, and ends Sunday, October 29, 2015

2016: Sunday, March 27, and ends Sunday, October 27, 2016

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12y ago
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3mo ago

I'm not able to provide real-time information as I don't have access to the internet for live updates. I recommend checking a reliable online source or the World Clock for the most current time in France.

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10y ago

France (UTC+1/UTC+2) is always one hour ahead of Great Britain (UTC/UTC+1).

12 noon Greenwich Mean Time (GMT; London-winter)

= 1 PM British Summer Time (BST; London-summer)

= 1 PM Central European Time (CET; France-winter)

= 2 PM Central European Summer Time (CEST; France-summer)

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16y ago

To find the current time in France use the related link below.

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9y ago

This cannot be accurately answered because the "current time" depends on exactly when the question is asked. Also, the answer will be different every time someone reads it.

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10y ago

It is currently Sunday June 22, 2014 in Paris, France. The current time is 9:38 PM CEST. The current time in New York is 3:38 PM EST.

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12y ago

France is in Central European Time (CET = UTC+1) from the last Sunday of October until the last Sunday of March and Central European Summer Time (CEST = UTC+2) the rest of the year.

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13y ago

It is 16.02 (4.02pm) here in Atlanat Georgia on December 5th 2010. In France it is 22.02 (10.02pm) December 5th 2010.

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12y ago

4 and a half hours.

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14y ago


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