dry sprays only nitrous into your intake then your cars computer sends more fuel to compacat with a wet its sends both nitrous and fuel
Dry nitrous systems introduce nitrous oxide into the engine without additional fuel, relying on the engine's existing fuel supply to increase power. Wet nitrous systems mix nitrous oxide with extra fuel before entering the engine, providing a controlled and consistent increase in power. Wet systems are typically easier to tune and more user-friendly for beginners.
It is saturated.
The wet-bulb depression is 3°C (20°C - 17°C). It represents the difference between the dry-bulb temperature and the wet-bulb temperature, indicating the maximum potential cooling that can be achieved through evaporation.
If there is no difference between the wet and dry bulb readings of a psychrometer, it indicates that the air is saturated with water vapor (relative humidity is 100%). This means that the air cannot hold any more moisture, and any additional moisture would result in condensation.
If there is no difference between the wet and dry bulb readings of the psychrometer, it can be assumed that the air is saturated with water vapor, meaning the relative humidity is 100%. This indicates that the air is holding the maximum amount of water vapor it can at that temperature.
The approximate dewpoint temperature can be calculated using the difference between the dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures. In this case, the difference is 5 degrees Celsius. The dewpoint temperature is approximately 21 degrees Celsius.
macular degeneration difference between wet and dry
wet sieve analysis is wetdry sieve analysis is dry
Wet meaning you wet the ground first with a hose
a wet pass is a pass that has water on it and a dry pass is a pass that is dry
A dry lab is a sad lab, and a wet lab is a happy lab?
ones wet ones dry - maliik
depends on if its wet or dry shot, and how much ;)
Dry corn is dry and soaked corn is wet.
The distribution of annual precipitation
About 40 proof
the answer is atmosphere and trosphere
Dry: Free from moisture or liquid; not wet or moist. Wet: Covered or saturated with water or another liquid. Hope this helped*