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It is not chemistry, but more physics. Many think it is a simple formula and your questions should be able to be answered, but the body does not respond the way forumlas calculate. The current flying after diving recommendations are to wait 12 hours to fly if a single dive was made, and if multiple dives were made then wait 18 hours.

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Scuba diving at 3pm involves breathing compressed air, which can lead to nitrogen saturation in the body tissues. Flying on an airplane at 7pm the same day can exacerbate this, as changes in pressure at higher altitude can cause nitrogen bubbles to form in the bloodstream, potentially leading to decompression sickness. It's important to wait at least 12-24 hours after scuba diving before flying to allow the excess nitrogen to safely leave the body.

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Q: What is the chemistry behind scuba diving at 3pmand flying on an airplane at 7pm the same day?
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Where is odlaw's binoculars on Where is waldo deep sea dive puzzle?

Odlaw's binoculars can be found behind the seaweed on the left side of the puzzle, near the middle. Look for a pair of binoculars sticking out from behind the green seaweed.

What is the percentage of oxygen and helium in diving?

The percentage of oxygen in diving varies depending on the diving depth and the type of diving. For recreational diving, the typical oxygen concentration is around 21%. However, for technical diving, the oxygen concentration can be increased up to 100% to reduce the risk of nitrogen narcosis at greater depths. Helium is often used as a diluent gas in technical diving to reduce the amount of nitrogen in breathing mixtures at very deep depths. The percentage of helium varies typically between 0% and 90% depending on the dive plan and depth.

What is skin diving?

Skin diving is a form of underwater diving where the diver uses minimal equipment, often just a mask, snorkel, and fins, to explore marine environments. Skin diving allows for extended underwater exploration while staying close to the water's surface, making it accessible to a wide range of people. It is a popular activity for observing marine life and enjoying the beauty of the underwater world.

What type of diving is the fastest?

The fastest type of diving is high diving, where divers jump from platforms ranging from 20-27m high and reach speeds of up to 96 km/h. This extreme sport requires precise technique and skills to execute dives safely from such heights.

How do you dive feet first?

To dive feet first, jump or step off the diving board with your arms extended above your head. Keep your body straight as you enter the water and aim to make minimal splash. Practice diving from a low height before trying it from a higher diving board.

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