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The tea cup is fragile so please dont drop it.

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9mo ago

The brittle branch snapped under the weight of the snow.

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15y ago

exposure to carbide makes some metal brittle.

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Q: What is a sentence with the word brittle?
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How would you use the word 'brittle' in a sentence?

Window glass is brittle.

Can you give me a sentence using the word brittle?

The surface was rather brittle.

Can you give me a sentence with the word brittle?

the girls hair was very brittle because she was unhealthy.

Give you a sentence for the word brittle?

The old branches of the tree were brittle and snapped easily in the wind.

How do you use the word brittle in a sentence?

Example sentence - The elderly gentleman looked as though his brittle bones would break if he tried to walk.

What is a sentence for the word delicate?

The vibrant flower's brittle petal is very delicate.

What is a sentence for brittle?

To be brittle is to be hard and breakable. An example sentence would be: The older she got, the more brittle her bones seemed to be.

How can you use brittle in a sentence?

That girl's hair is dry and brittle.

How do you use brittle in a sentence?

Glass is usually brittle and has to be handled with care

How would you use brittle in a sentence?

The Rose turned brittle when it was dipped into liquid nitrogen.

How do you make a sentence using brittle?

The brittle iron broke under the weight of the animal. The sticks were brittle and snapped with little pressure.

How many phonemes in word brittle?

There are six phonemes in the word "brittle": /b/, /r/, /i/, /t/, /ə/, and /l/.