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Scuffing a baseball, or roughing up part of its surface, creates turbulence. Turbulence changes the airflow around the ball, making it curve more dramatically when spin is applied.

A baseball will curve naturally, due to the turbulent effect of the seams along the outside of the ball. Scuffing the ball intensifies this effect, and in the hands of a knowledgeable pitcher can be devastating. This is in part why umpires look for obviously-scuffed balls, and remove them from play.

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7mo ago

Scuffing a Baseball can create an advantage for the pitcher by increasing the amount of movement on certain pitches, such as breaking balls or sliders. It can disrupt the airflow around the ball, causing it to move unpredictably and making it more difficult for batters to hit. However, scuffing a baseball is against the rules in most leagues and can result in penalties for the pitcher if caught.

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