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If more hydroelectricity is generated as an energy source, wind turbines and wave power will be used less. If these sources are used less, this could cause job loses and other detrimental effects.

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Q: What effect does generating more hydroelectricity have on the use of wind turbines and wave power?
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What are the steps in generating tidal power?

Select a bay, estuary, firth or river mouth that has a narrow entrance to the sea. You need a lot of water moving through quickly.Build a barrage or movable wall to hold back the water when it is inside. (This step may be omitted.)Place turbines in the barrage or in the narrow channel.As the water rushes in (high tide) and out (low tide) the turbines spin, generating electricity.

How is tidal energy used to produce energy?

Renewable. It uses the movement of the oceans to generate electricity when it is used for power.

Diagram of hydroelectricity generation?

Hydroelectricity generation involves water flow from a dam through turbines, which spin and convert the kinetic energy of the water into mechanical energy that drives a generator. The generator then converts this mechanical energy into electrical energy, which is sent to the power grid for distribution. The process is environmentally friendly and renewable, utilizing the natural flow of water to produce electricity.

What is the procedure of tidal power?

Tidal power is generated by harnessing the energy from the rise and fall of tides. This is typically done using tidal turbines, which look similar to underwater wind turbines. As the tides flow in and out, the turbines spin and generate electricity. The power generated is then transmitted to the grid for use.

1 economic advantage of hydroelectricity?

One economic advantage of hydroelectricity is its relatively low operating costs once the initial construction is complete. The fuel source, water, is essentially free and abundant, which can lead to lower electricity production costs. Additionally, hydropower facilities have long lifespans, helping to ensure a stable and consistent energy supply.

Related questions

What do power generating turbines run on?

water (hydroelectricity) like a dam.

How is energy collected from hydroelectricity?

Energy is collected from hydroelectricity by using the force of moving water to turn turbines connected to generators. As water flows through the turbines, they spin and produce electricity. This electricity is then sent to power grids for distribution to homes and businesses.

What does water power do in a renewable resource?

Water power can be used to turn turbines in a dam, generating electricity.

What is coal fired power?

A power plant in which coal is burned to move generating turbines to produce electricity.

What is electricity made from moving water called?


How is hydorelectric power generated?

Hydroelectricity is generated by building dams or waterwheels wcitch flow through turbines to generate electricity.

How does hydro power produce in dams?

Hydroelectricity is produced by water flower through water turbines in the dam creating electricty. Thus hydro-power.

What is coal fire power plant?

A power plant in which coal is burned to move generating turbines to produce electricity.

How much do wind turbines reduce global warming?

They do not reduce global warming in any way they are just a source of electricity, like solar power and hydroelectricity. Solar power and wind power are renewable power sources but hydroelectricity is not due to the cost of construction and the dams breaking.

What are the advantages of generating electricity by wind turbines compared with generating it at an oil-fired power station?

wind turbines have blades like the propellors on the first aeroplanes wind turbines with blades convert 20-30% of wind energy into electricity but this new turbine can convert 70%.

How is electricity produced by a Hydroelectricity?

electricity is produced by the power of falling water. This power drives the turbines the hydro power plant is equipped with. This turbine is connected to a electrical device producing electricity.

How does hydroelectricity help the society?

Hydro electricity is creted by giant turbines under usually dams or bridges and helps to power thousands of house