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A Frontier is a part of a country that borders another country.

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A frontier refers to a border or boundary between two regions, often indicating the outer limits of civilization or known territory. It can also signify a new area of exploration or development, presenting opportunities for discovery and growth.

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Q: What does the word frontier mean?
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What word means nearly the same as boundary?

border, frontier, edge, limit, perimeterif you mean that word is BOUNDARY......... this is its synonym: border, frontier, borderline

What part of speech is a frontier?

The word "frontier" can function as a noun. It refers to a geographical area at the edge of settled lands or to a boundary between countries or regions.

What part of speech is the word frontier?

The word frontier is a noun. The plural is frontiers. Frontier can also be used as an adjective.

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If by frontier u mean the elite four,its north of Sunnyshore If by frontier u mean the battle thing there isn't one but they have a battle tower -Jessi Circle

Can you use the word frontier in a sentence?

Space may be our final frontier.A sentence with the word frontier is, Margaret Thatcher did not roll back the frontiers of the State.

Need sentence with word frontier?

Example sentence - Alaska is considered by many to be the last frontier of the west.

Where did the Australian frontier conflict start?

There has been no event in Australian history known as the "Australian frontier conflict". The word 'frontier' is generally not associated with Australia at all.

How did the Australian frontier conflict stop?

There has been no event in Australian history known as the "Australian frontier conflict". The word 'frontier' is generally not associated with Australia at all.

What is a sentence using the word frontier?

A frontier is a border, the edge of a settled area, or an undeveloped area of research or study. Here are some sentences.Daniel Boon explored the frontier.We are at the frontier of cybernetics.Soldiers patrolled the frontier.