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Newtons laws have to do with lacrosse when (in guys lacrosse) you push the other player, which relates to newtons 2nd law, the larger the mass the harder the acceleration. Also, newtons 1st law involves throwing and catching a ball, newtons law says and object in motion will stay in motion until acted upon by an outside force. The object in motion is the ball and the outside force is the other person catching it, stopping the motion. Newtons third law relates to lacrosse when you make a shot and hit the post causing it to bounce off. The 3rd law states for every action theres an equal and opposite reaction. The reaction is the ball flying off the post.

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9mo ago

Newton's laws of motion are fundamental principles that govern how objects move. In the context of Lacrosse, these laws apply to the motion of the ball, the players, and the equipment. For example, the first law explains why a ball remains at rest until acted upon by a player, the second law describes how a player's force influences the acceleration of the ball, and the third law relates to the reaction when a player shoots or passes the ball.

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