The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
The absolute location of Winter Garden, FL is approximately 28.5653° N latitude and 81.5862° W longitude.
The absolute location for Rabat, the capital city of Morocco, is approximately 34.0209° N latitude and 6.8417° W longitude.
That point is in east-central Iraq, about 33 miles southwest of the center of Baghdad.
The center of the intersection of 10th St and Conner St, by the City Hall, is located at 40.0456° north latitude 86.0122° west longitude.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
The absolute location of Winter Garden, FL is approximately 28.5653° N latitude and 81.5862° W longitude.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
The absolute location for Rabat, the capital city of Morocco, is approximately 34.0209° N latitude and 6.8417° W longitude.
Tucson, Arizona
That point is in east-central Iraq, about 33 miles southwest of the center of Baghdad.
41°54.2′N latitude 12°27.2′E longitude
40 degrees north, 75 degrees west
A star symbol found on a map, generally indicates the absolute location of a capital city. To find the absolute location of a place on a map, longitude and latitude are used.
The center of the intersection of 10th St and Conner St, by the City Hall, is located at 40.0456° north latitude 86.0122° west longitude.