meteors are 90000 miles per hour
Belgium has a long history and many interesting facts. One interesting fact about Belgium is that they legalized euthanasia in 2002 and gay marriage in 2003.
There are a variety of interesting facts about the planet Neptune. There are 14 moons of Neptune, and the surface temperature is about -201 degrees Celsius.
moon is the natural satellite in solar system ,because there are more interesting facts in it.
Professor Stephen Hawking knows a bunch of facts about black holes. The count would be too difficult to quantify and probably not as interesting as the information itself.
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A PMI chart is a table and it stands for Plus Minus Interesting. PLUS for Good facts. MINUS for Bad facts. INTERESTING for well, interesting facts.
there are no interesting facts about the sun
Soccer... it is a fun and interesting sport.
its a hassle!
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If the interesting facts are unknown, I would not know them.
There is NO interesting " FACTS " about the " Head light! "
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