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4min 56sec. per km. To get: 3hours = 180min

180min +28min = 208min

208min x 60sec per min =12480sec

12480sec + 36sec = 12516sec total

12516sec /42.2km =296.58sec per km

296.58sec/60sec per min = 4.94min per km

.94min x 60sec per min = 56 sec.

So you get, 4min 56sec per km

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 1mo ago

To find the average speed, divide the distance by the time taken: 42.2 km / (3 hours + 28 minutes + 36 seconds). First, convert 28 minutes to hours by dividing by 60, then add that to the total hours. Do the same for seconds by dividing by 3600 and add to the total hours. Then divide the total distance by the total time to find the average speed.

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Q: It takes a runner 3 h 28 min 36 s to run a marathon If the distance of a marathon is 42.2 km what is the average speed of the runner?
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What does a straight line slanting up from left to right on a distance versus time graph show?

It represents that the object is remaining at a fixed distance. Typically that means it is not moving.

Is speed the rate of time in distance?

Speed is the rate at which an object covers distance. It is typically expressed as distance traveled per unit of time, such as meters per second or miles per hour. Time is a separate concept from speed, used to measure the duration of an event or the interval between two events.

The runner ran 1500 meters in 5 minutes and 22 seconds what was his speed in minutes and seconds?

First lets know the formula of average speed: average speed= distance/time taken here the distance: 1500 m and time taken: 4 minutes (the metre unit always should be with second unit) So lets convert 4 mins into sec: 4*60= 240sec average speed: 1500/240 = 25/4 = 6.25m/s

How do you find the average speed of an item over a given time?

To find the average speed of an object over a given time, you divide the total distance traveled by the object by the total time taken to cover that distance. Mathematically, average speed = total distance / total time.

How will the total distance traveled by a car in 2 hours be affected if the average speed is doubled?

If the average speed of the car is doubled, the total distance traveled in 2 hours will also be doubled. This is because distance is directly proportional to speed when time is constant. So, if the speed is doubled, the car will cover twice the distance in the same amount of time.

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How many mph is the average runner going?

The answer depends on the distance for the race. A marathon runner could not maintain the speed attained by a sprint runner.

How many mph does a olympic runner go?

The answer depends on the distance for the race. A marathon runner could not maintain the speed attained by a sprint runner.

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9 hours

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The runner's average speed is greatest when they cover the most distance in the least amount of time. Therefore, the average speed is greatest when the slope of the distance-time graph is steepest.

What is the speed of a runner from the Boston marathon?

The winners of the marathon run at about 13 miles per hour or 21 kilometers and hour.

Average marathon speed distance?

The average speed of the world record time is slightly over 20 km per hour, which is around 1 km per 3 minutes.

A good marathon runner will run at an average speed of 12 miles per hour. Calculate the time taken to complete the 26.2 mile race?

time = distance/rate so, t = 26.2 mi/12 mi per h = 2.2 h

What equipment to used to find the speed of a runner?

To find the speed of a runner, you can use a stopwatch to time how long it takes the runner to cover a set distance, such as a track or a specific stretch of a road. You can then calculate the speed by dividing the distance by the time taken. Another option is to use a speed radar gun, which measures the speed of the runner as they move.

Who would win a race between a runner with more speed or a runner with more stamina?

Depends. Is it a distance run? Or a fast run? If it is distance, the stamina runner would win. If it was a track, then the speed runner would win.

What is the formula to find the average speed of a given distance and time?

Distance = time * average speed (velocity) Average speed = Distance/time

What is average speed and how do you calculate it?

Average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time taken to cover that distance. It is a measure of how fast an object is moving on average over a certain period of time. The formula to calculate average speed is: Average Speed = Total Distance รท Total Time.

What is the average speed for a 4 hour 31 minute marathon?

Assuming a distance of 42.195 kilometers, the average speed for a 4 hour 31 minute time would be 5.8 miles per hour or 9.3 km per hour.