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Yes, the stopper stops/delays an attack forming in the middle third. The sweeper prevents the ball from entering the middle part of the field in the defensive third. See definition at

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9mo ago

No, the stopper typically plays in front of the sweeper in a traditional back line formation. The stopper is responsible for marking opposition attackers, while the sweeper acts as the last line of defense behind the stopper.

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a sweeper is a position right behind the defence so if the soccer ball goes behind the defence the sweeper can go pass it right back up A sweeper is a kind of defense. Its the last line of defense (besides the keeper of course) and the one who tells the defense to push up or come back. He or she sends everyone up and if they get passed them he or she have to make sure they dont get close to the goal.

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The stopper in soccer simply stops anything that passes the midfield. Your job is to play behind the center mid fields and basically act as a defensive midfielder. You have a support system behind you but try to keep the ball in front of you at all times.

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flapper wrapper crapper stopper sweeper dropper creeper sleeper cheaper trapper tempter steeper prosper sharper caliper scamper grouper

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