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Think about the question for a minute.... Lots of water, millions of volts of electricity and a large metal tank on your back which is a fine conductor of said electricity. Do the math.

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3w ago

Lightning can be harmful to Scuba divers because it can strike the water's surface and potentially electrocute anyone in the vicinity. Thunder, on the other hand, is not harmful to scuba divers but can indicate the presence of a thunderstorm, which can lead to dangerous conditions such as strong currents and rough seas. It is generally advised for divers to avoid entering the water during a thunderstorm or if lightning is present.

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How do scuba divers sink if they have tanks of compressed air on their backs?

Scuba divers use weights to sink during a dive because the air tanks on their backs make them buoyant. By adjusting the amount of weight, divers can achieve neutral buoyancy underwater. This allows them to control their depth and movement throughout the dive.

Scuba tanks have wh at noble gas in them?

Scuba tanks are typically filled with compressed air, which is a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. However, some scuba tanks may also contain a noble gas such as helium as part of a special gas mix called trimix, which is used for deep dives to reduce the risk of nitrogen narcosis.

What is the air mixture in scuba?

The air mixture in scuba diving tanks is typically compressed air, which consists of about 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen. This mixture allows divers to breathe at depth without experiencing adverse effects of high pressure.

What other animals have flippers?

Other animals that have flippers include dolphins, whales, seals, sea lions, and sea turtles. Flippers are specialized limbs that help these animals navigate through water efficiently.

Without this noble lightweight the goodyear company would never have gotten off the ground and scuba divers would really be hurting and doctors might be unable to heal them?

The noble lightweight being referred to is neoprene, a synthetic rubber material. Neoprene was instrumental in the success of Goodyear due to its use in wetsuits for scuba diving, helping divers stay warm underwater. Neoprene's properties also make it ideal for various medical applications, such as orthopedic braces and supports, enabling doctors to treat and help heal injuries effectively.