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Industrial deep-sea divers must breathe a mixture of helium and oxygen to prevent a disorienting condition known as nitrogen narcosis. If a diver's tank is filled with a helium-oxygen mixture to a pressure of 170 atmospheres and the partial pressure of helium is 110 atmospheres, the partial pressure of the oxygen is ? - is the question

The answer is 60. Total pressure minus the partial pressure= 170-110= 60.

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If a diver's tank is filled with a helium-oxygen mixture to a specific pressure at the surface, the same pressure will be maintained at depth to prevent nitrogen narcosis. This is because helium is less narcotic than nitrogen, allowing the diver to breathe at higher pressures without experiencing detrimental effects. The specific mixture and pressure are carefully calculated to ensure the safety and well-being of the diver during deep-sea operations.

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Q: Industrial deep-sea divers must breathe a mixture of helium and oxygen to prevent a disorienting condition known as nitrogen narcosis If a diver's tank is filled with a helium-oxygen mixture to a pre?
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How does nitrogen dilutes the action of oxygen?

Nitrogen dilutes the action of oxygen in breathing air by reducing the concentration of oxygen available for cellular respiration. This can lead to hypoxia, a condition where there is a lack of oxygen in the body tissues. This is a concern in environments with high nitrogen content, such as scuba diving, where nitrogen narcosis can occur due to the effects of increased nitrogen pressure.

What does nitrogen have to do with diving?

Nitrogen is a component of air that is breathed during diving. Due to the increased pressure underwater, nitrogen can dissolve into body tissues, leading to a condition called nitrogen narcosis or "rapture of the deep," which can impair judgment and coordination at certain depths. Rapid ascent from a dive without proper decompression can also lead to nitrogen bubbles forming in the blood, causing decompression sickness or "the bends."

Is a dense noble and silent killer but do not afraid. On the other hand you may want to sleep with you windows open?

One of the Noble gases..Element/ Density (g/dm3)Helium 0.1786Neon0.9002Argon 1.7818Krypton 3.708Xenon 5.851Radon 9.97The first two Helium and Neon are lighter than air; which leaves Argon, Krypton, Xenon and Radon.kryptonKrypton is considered to be a non-toxic asphyxiant.[37]Krypton has a narcotic potency seven times greater than air, so breathing a gas containing 50% krypton and 50% air would cause narcosis similar to breathing air at four times atmospheric pressure. This would be comparable to scuba diving at a depth of 30 m (100 ft) (see nitrogen narcosis) and potentially could affect anyone breathing it. Nevertheless, that mixture would contain only 10% oxygen and hypoxia would be a greater concern.

Scuba tanks have wh at noble gas in them?

Scuba tanks are typically filled with compressed air, which is a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. However, some scuba tanks may also contain a noble gas such as helium as part of a special gas mix called trimix, which is used for deep dives to reduce the risk of nitrogen narcosis.

What was the screaming Jacques Cousteau heard on his dive in Greece?

Assuming the incident actually took place it could very well have been attributible to what Cousteau had dubbed "the rapture of the deep", this is a condition related to nitrogen narcosis whereby most gasses breathed under pressure produce a narcotic effect on the brain. Hallucinations, loss of conciousness, manic laughter, terror or death are all possible effects from the condition which generally kicks in at a depth of 3om (1oo ft) with mild effects (often likened to drinking one alcholic beverage for each 3o ft below 1oo ft) increasing in severity as depth increases. Divers attempt to combat this phenomena by using mixtures of gas with less chemically reactive constituents (such as helium) which is why in some old deep sea videos you might hear the entire crew of a research vessel speaking like chipmunks (and slathering all their food in kechup because they can't taste much else). There are limits to how much we can compensate under such pressures however and oxygen toxicity (which may pose long lasting health problems) is also another concern for the explorers of the deep. I have heard this incident supposedly took place during a very deep dive, and there are those who like to attribute this tale to the existence of "Hell". While I suppose there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in my philosophy, and it would certainly be a really cool story (hey what if it was Hell, or some Great Old One or some type of ancient creature?!) I attempt first to seek out more mundane, entirely plausible explanations. They comfort me so. Best of luck to you readers and do look into nitrogen narcosis or "The Rapture of the Deep" (trust Costuea to come up with such a great, poetic name), some of the stories from deep sea divers are truly fascinating.

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Rainbow Narcosis - 2012 was released on: USA: 1 December 2012

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4 narcosis.

What is the prognosis for a patient with nitrogen narcosis?

When a diver returns to a safe depth, the effects of nitrogen narcosis disappear completely. Some evidence exists that certain divers may become partially acclimated to the effects of nitrogen narcosis with frequency.

What is carbon dioxide narcosis?

Carbon dioxide narcosis happens when people have too much oxygen. It builds up in the body and becomes toxic

Narcotics are type of pain killers?

Yes. By definition, narcotics are substances that cause a condition called narcosis. Narcosis is defined as a condition of deep stupor or unconsciousness produced by a drug or other chemical substance. In smaller doses, the deep stupor or unconsciousness may not be achieved, but the pain reduction will be there. There are many different narcotics... some are legal and may be used by prescription; others are illegal and may be used to ruin your life.

Does everyone who dives get nitrogen narcosis?


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Why is it called a narcosis flower?

Narcosis means a state of drowsiness produced by taking narcotic drugs. Perhaps you are thinking of the narcissus, which was called such because of the youth Narcissus that was in love with himself in mythology.

How is nitrogen narcosis diagnosed?

A diagnosis must be made on circumstantial evidence of atypical behavior, taking into consideration the depth of the dive and the rate of compression. Nitrogen narcosis may be differentiated from toxicity of oxygen, carbon monoxide, or.

What are the causes of flapping tremor?

Liver failure, renal failure, co2 narcosis

What is narcoplepsy?

Narcosis is just a term that means unconsciousness or stupor caused by any narcotic, of which most are derived from opiates (excluding synthetics). Essentially, opiate narcosis is that state in which the user has fallen into a state of unconsciousness, stupor, or in some cases, delirium, either by deliberate or accidental overdose. It is not uncommon in patch patients, as increased activity raises body temperature and heart rate, which in turn increases the patch's dosage delivery rate. If the user isn't aware or careful of this fact, over-dosage to the point of delirium or unconsciousness is often the result.

Which of the two main components of air must be in a diver's tank?

Dissolved nitrogen and nitrogen narcosis