You need a lot of protein in almost all sports. Protein will help you build lean muscle and stay in shape and if used after a workout, will help your muscles to recover much quicker so that you won't be sore for as long. Protein shakes or bars are good things to have for any sport that involves physical workouts or exertion. Some sports where you will need a lot of protein is football, Basketball, track and field, soccer, baseball, Weightlifting, boxing, or Wrestling.
Basketball, swimming actualy all sports do! to give you energy!
Athletes involved in strength training, bodybuilding, and other high-intensity sports such as football, Rugby, and Track and Field events often require a lot of protein to support muscle repair and growth.
Spam and a lot of it also beans could be good, they are high in protein and energy
Fetal bovine serum typically contains around 6-8 g/dL of protein.
A teenage boy needs about 0.5 to 0.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day to support growth and development. This can vary depending on activity level and individual needs.
It is good for the muscles.
Different age groups have varying protein requirements due to differences in growth, development, and activity levels. Children and teenagers typically need more protein to support growth, whereas older adults may need slightly more protein for muscle maintenance and repair. Meeting these specific protein needs helps ensure optimal health and function for each age group.
they need to be good at the sport and they need to practice a lot.
Muscle cells.
Protein gives you a lot of body strenght and helps your muscles grow.
you have to know a lot about sports
before a sport
Green vegetables are the healthiest because they have a lot of protein and calcium pin them. You need protein and calcium to grow and be stronger.
The answer is simply athletes do more sports than most people e.g swimming, tennis etc. but, athletes need more protein to do this as they use up most energy on doing the sport they do.
aerial skiing is an extreme sport that has a lot a rules that need to be stuck to
you need water to live. water got a lot protein in it and it is healthy
to prevent dehydration. In sports you loss a lot of body fluid and this need to be replaced by drinking a lot of water.
Chickens are raise for food. A term called poultry farming. Chicken is an essential part of our daily diet as our bodies need protein and chicken has a lot of protein in it. Protein is good for building muscles.
They need what most people need, and its good for them to eat lot's of protein, and usually eat quite large meals, and obviously they need to work out.