Tom Thompson, 61 years old. Austin College kicker. 11/14/2009 converted PAT against Trinity University.
The oldest person recorded to have had an appendectomy was 102 years old. The surgery was successful, and the person recovered well from the procedure.
The oldest person on record is Jeanne Calment from France, who lived to be 122 years and 164 days old before passing away in 1997.
The oldest verified & documented person to have ever lived was Jeanne Calment of France (February 21, 1875 - August 4th 1997), who lived to the age of 122 years and 164 days.
we can find out by looking at the bottom because what ever was on the ground first has to be the oldest.
Rudy was 76 when he played All-Stars, he came in 17th place. Sonja was 63 when she played Borneo and came in 16th place, making her the oldest woman to ever play. Spencer was only 19 when he played Survivor: Tocantins and came in 12th place, making him the youngest man. Kelly was 20 when she quit Nicaragua and came in 8th place, she was the youngest female.
Tom Thompson, 61 years old. Austin College kicker. 11/14/2009 converted PAT against Trinity University.
Yes twice
joe paterno (84)
There is no listing for the oldest person in Alaska. The oldest person ever to live in the United States was 119 years of age.
yes 5 and 14 confrence
The oldest person ever was in fact 123
In "modern football" there are no black colleges. Ever heard of desegregation?
Methuselah (who is the oldest person to ever have live) .
The oldest person ever recorded was Methuselah who lived to be 969 years old
Charlie Weis did not play football past the High School level. He is atypical amongst NCAA coaches because of this.