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You shouldn't drink them unless you like them, and it doesn't matter how old you are. -- Right. Anyone with a normal, developed digestive system (aka, not breastfeeding infants) can safely consume a protein shake. There's no reason to though. A normal diet will provide more than enough protein, even for body building. Excess protein is just exess calories. Under a diet which may make protein consumption difficult, such as a vegan diet, a soy protein shake may be of benefit in reaching one's daily protein needs.

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9mo ago

It is recommended to wait until adolescence (around 16-18 years old) before incorporating protein shakes into your diet, as teenagers can usually obtain sufficient protein from whole foods. Consulting with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian is advisable to determine individual nutritional needs and ensure protein supplements are appropriate for someone's age and health status.

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Q: How old should you be to start drinking protein shakes?
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What age to start eating protein bars and shakes?

You can start eating protein bars and shakes at 3 or 4. Excessive protein is bad for you, but as a supplement it will benefit almost everyone.

How old do have to be to drink protein shakes?

There is no age limit or requirement on protein shakes, most protein shakes (whey) are fine for you if made by a trusted company. The main component of almost all protein shakes is the whey, which is a natural dairy product.

What are some websites dedicated to bodybuilding fitness? is a perfect place to start. There are also body building magazines you could purchase. You should go to the local GNC and ask them what protein shakes you could get.

Water And Shakes?

Sometimes you need to fit in a dress for a special event or you just want to lose a few pounds for the summer. The best way to have a quick weight loss with little effort is by drinking plenty of water and substituting your meals with protein shakes. The protein will keep you healthy and nourished because there are other vitamins in the shake as well. The water will cleanse your system, allowing the excess fluid in the body to be shed. You will want to start this routine a few days before you need to lose weight so your body can get used to the shakes and all the water.

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A baby should start drinking full cream milk at the age of 1 year or more.

From which age should a baby start drinking full cream milk?

A baby should start drinking full cream milk after one year and not earlier than that.

What type of protein shake should be used by new bodybuilders?

First find a supplement that fits your by type by weighing and counting calories then matching it to your metabolism. If you need more progress for the work your doing even after adding more or less calories, you might want to start adding some protein shakes and fruit to the meals you normally eat.

How do you get a flat sstomach in 2 weeks?

Sorry hun! As much as I wish it was possibl, it isn't! Depending on how much you weight, and what you consider a flat stomache, it can't really be answered. You can always start excercising, eating right. Doing healthy stuff, and you will start to lose weight before you know it! Two weeks, not so much. You can start drinking protein shakes if that may help it will make you lose weight fast but might be hard to keep off. Hope this helps!

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