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typical power plant generators produce from 50KVAC to 150KVAC regardless if they are hydro, coal, natural gas, etc.

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15y ago

Most powerplants produce several "Megawatts" of power. A megawatt is a million watts. The average lamp in our homes is about 100 watts.

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14y ago

If it is a large plant then more than 30 megawatts, and if it is a small plant then less than 30 megawatts.

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What is a hydro electric generator?

Hydro- means water. A hydro-electric generator uses moving water from a river or dam to turn the generator and produce electricity.

How does Hydro electricity power make electricity?

the basic principle is that the kinetic energy of falling water is converted to electrical energy.the water which falls on a water turbine makes it to rotate and the generator which is coupled to it(turbine) also rotates and produces electricity.

Where is the money for Hydro Electricity coming from?

Hydroelectricity comes from dams, the water coming from the river (which the dam is built on) rushes into a generator which the rushing water powers the generator and creates electricity. Then the electricity is sent into wires apart of the generator system and the electricity is sent all over. question: Where is money for hydro electricity coming from: Well, it doesn't make absolute sense but that's why you have bills for hydro electricity because the electricity that you have partly comes from dams. So the money to power dams is coming from you!

How is hydro electric power turned into energy?

Water behind a dam falls through a turbine, causing the turbine to spin, the turbine spins a large electric alternator (AC generator), the generator produces electricity which is delivered to the power grid.

How does Bosnia produce electricity?

Bosnia produces electricity mainly from thermoelectricty by burning coal, and from hydro sources.

What is electricity produced by flowing water?

This is called hydroelectric power, or hydro power.

Describe the steps involved in converting hydro energy into electrical energy?

Force the water through an electric turbine generator and that produces electricity. Having water backed up behind a dam provides the push.

What do you call a machine that uses the power of rushing water to create electricity?

It is called a hydro electric turbine generator.

How does hyrdro electric generate electricity?

hydro electric means electricity is produced by the using the Water(hydro). The water is made to fall forcely on the Turbine wheel it makes the turbine to rotate. Turbine is coupled to the Generator shaft. when the turbine rotates the generator rotates and emf is induced in it and the ourput is taken from it

What causes the turbine of a hydro-electric dam to turn?

The turbine of a hydro-electric dam turns when water from the dam's reservoir flows through it at high pressure, causing the turbine blades to spin. This spinning motion is then transferred to a generator, where it produces electricity through electromagnetic induction.

What is a hydro generator and are they expensive?

Hydro generators generate electricity from flowing water. THey can range from several hundred dollars to several thousand, depending on the brand and how much it can process.

Function dynamo in hydro plant?

A dynamo is the generator that converts mechanical energy into electricity. It uses the water pushing against a wheel to turn it, creating electricity.