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some players make 30-50 thousand dollars and some exceptional cases make a low six figure

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8mo ago

Minor league players are paid according to their level, with salaries typically ranging from $1,200 to $2,500 per month. However, many players earn below minimum wage when considering the long hours and travel demands of a minor league season.

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The big 2 in minor leagues is the AA and the AAA, but there are tons of leagues in minor league baseball. But first you might have to go play college baseball to appl for the minors i believe. keep researching an you'll find out sooneror later!

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Aybe in some leagues, where I'm from no, and in major and minor leagues, no as well

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Currently, MLB rates its minor leagues as Rookie, A, AA, and AAA. Rookie leagues are for those players that are very young, usually just out of high school, and are the player's first professional experience. A leagues are one step above rookie leagues, AA one step above A, and AAA leagues the highest in the minors for the most experienced and/or talented. An 'A' minor league would be composed of teams with younger players and prospects.

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Do minor baseball leagues play in the winter?

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