Both a animal cell and a Baseball stadium have specific structures and compartments that serve different functions. In an animal cell, organelles like the nucleus and mitochondria perform different roles much like how different areas of a baseball stadium, such as the field, locker rooms, and concession stands, serve different purposes. Additionally, both a cell and a stadium require coordination and communication among their components to function effectively.
Animal cells have centrioles, structures that help with cell division, which are not present in plant cells.
Paramecium is categorized protozoa~protista. It means it's not a plant cell nor an animal cell.
No, animal cells do not have a cell wall. Plant cells and some other organisms like fungi and bacteria have cell walls, but animal cells do not. Instead, animal cells have a cell membrane that surrounds and protects the cell.
A characteristic of Animal cells is that they have cell membrane and no cell wall (like plant cells)
In an animal cell, a cell membrane controls what goes in and what goes out of the cell. It basically surrounds the cell, like a cell wall, but as you should already know a cell wall is not present in an animal cell.
Animal cells have centrioles, structures that help with cell division, which are not present in plant cells.
the plant cell is like the animal cell but has a cell wall and chlorophasts
Command the cell like a brain.
yes because the animal cell mambrande does not have a cell wall like the plant cell
A muscle cell is like an animal cell because it has a nucleus, mitochondria, and other organelles typical of animal cells. Its main function is to generate movement by contracting and relaxing. It does not make food through photosynthesis like plant cells do.
The cell membrane is like the fence that borders the field The cell membrane pore is like entrances The chromatin is like the rule book The nucleus is like the ump The nuclear envelope is like the base runners The nucleolus is like the pitcher The cytoplasm is like the Coaches The mitochondria is like the lights The golgi complex is like the base line The ribosomes are like the announcer The cell wall is like the stadium The cilia or flagellum are like the visitors
Paramecium is categorized protozoa~protista. It means it's not a plant cell nor an animal cell.